S331D SA2000 和鸟牌功率计4304A(新)

S331D  SA2000  和鸟牌功率计4304A(新) 联系人: 杨占荣经理(13570809426) 卓巧(13713901971)联络电话:0755-27228166/21235127传真号码:0755-27228940E-mail:kittyzhuo@126.com  QQ客服: 305636259地址:广东沙井永一国际电子城一楼


Site Master S331D covering the 25 MHz to 4000 MHz are designed to accurately locate and identify RF cable feed-line and antenna system faults. These models are ideally suited for any experience level user in installing, commissioning, troubleshooting and maintaining today's wireless systems infrastructures including

VHF, broadcasting, paging, cellular, PCS/GSM, 3G, ISM, WLAN and WLL applications. S331D measurement capability includes precision Return Loss/SWR, Cable Loss and Distance-To-Fault (DTF), and optional T1/E1 and power meter measurements. Patented RF interference rejection enables accurate, repeatable measurements in the presence of high RF activity. Data analysis software enables assessment of system trends,

problems, and performance in addition to professional report generation. The S331D model includes data analysis software, soft carrying case, rechargeable/field-replaceable battery, AC/DC power supply, 12V automobile cigarette lighter adapter and

users guide.

优良的产品、合理的价格、更完善的售后服务!! 提供销售、租赁、维修、回收、计量等业务!

新到现货,HP54615B: 2 Channel Oscilloscope, 1 GSa/s 500 MHz。

备注:1:专业生产各种试验设备,如恒温恒湿箱,耐磨试验机,线材摇摆机,跌落试验机,线材伸长率机,振动台试验机,按键寿命试验机,拉力试验机;2:主要销售的仪 器有:示波器、网络分析仪、频谱仪、万用表、信号发生器、电源、电子负载、频率计、功率计、综合测试仪、音频分析仪、信号源等高频仪器;3:主要经营的品牌有美国惠普(安捷伦)、美国泰克、美国福禄克、日本爱德万、日本安立、英国马可尼、日本松下、日本菊水、日本目黑、日本健伍等;4:回收频谱分析仪,音频分析仪,网络分析仪,信号源等等二手仪器。

本公司二手仪器货源广阔,绝大部分将继续直接从国外引进,成色新,价格低,性价比极高,并且在售后服务方面尽最大努力做到!欢迎来电 垂询或亲临选购,并欢迎预订。(正规大公司,计量证书,保修半年至壹年不等,终生维护,原装进口,免费技术支持,大量现货     供应,求合作,国内技术领先)而且本公司供应和收购大量二手仪器!!有意者请与本公司联系


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