



2008-25 2008-50 2008-75 2008-100
综合倍数 25X 50X 75X 100X
视野 φ3.30mm φ1.70mm φ1.09mm φ0.84mm
最小刻度 0.05mm 0.02mm 0.01mm 0.005mm
测定范围 3.0mm 1.6mm 1.0mm 0.8mm
该公司产品分类: 水质分析仪/多参数水质分析仪


2008手持式显微镜用于测量的显微镜,镜头及双例尺的解析和光亮度加上其平稳的运行,操作起来既方便又舒适. 型号 2008-25 2008-50 2008-75 2008-100 综合倍数 25X 50X 75X 100X 视野 Φ3.30mm Φ1.70mm Φ1.09mm Φ0.84mm 最小刻度 0.05mm 0.02mm 0.01mm 0.005mm 测定范围 3.0mm 1.6mm 1.0mm 0.8mm 订货信息 货号 品名 规格 我们售价(元) 112394 2008-50型手持式显微镜 50X,有刻度 2120.00 112396 2008-100型手持式显微镜 100X,有刻度 2660.00


2034手持式显微镜有的解析功能,运行平稳的机械加光笔照明 型号 2034-20 2034-40 2034-60 2034-100 2034-150 2034-200 2034-300 放大倍数 20X 40X 60X 100X 150X 200X 300X 视野 Φ7.2mm Φ3.6mm Φ2.4mm Φ1.45mm Φ0.96mm Φ0.72mm Φ0.48mm 最小刻度 0.10mm 0.05mm 0.02mm 0.01mm 0.005mm 0.002mm 0.001mm 测定范围 6.0mm 3.0mm 2.0mm 1.2mm 0.9mm 0.6mm 0.2mm 尺寸 Φ63×172mm 订货信息 货号 品名 规格 我们售价(元) 112406 2034-100型手持式显微镜 100X, 有刻度,有灯 4500.00


  您还在使用一般的放大镜观察细微的物件吗?? 21世纪新一代的产品---“Dino-Lite 手持式数码显微镜"给您的体验、最方便的使用、最轻松的了解您所要检测的物件喔!!Dinolite是现今世界上款也是的一款不需更换镜头的手持式数码显微放大镜, 运用旋转变焦的原理进行倍数放大, 此设计也已申请世界专利,并通过CE、FC等国际认证!!

Dino-Lite手持式数码显微镜有许许多多的应用范围, 例如:1. 皮肤检视2. 发根检视3. 工业检视,例如印刷电路板、精密机械等4. 扩视器,协助视障人士阅读5. 印刷检视6. 纺织检视7. 生物观察8. 宝石鉴定等

特点:◆不需要交换lens 通过焦距调整即可做10倍~200倍变更!◆4个内建的LED、就算镜头与被照摄物体很近也会非常光亮清楚◆利用USB和电脑连接,容易操作,可轻松地进行拍摄照片, 动态录影, 定时录影等功能◆亦是USB camera 、故可透过各类视频软件例如MSN Messenger, Skype, QQ等 On-line方式来让对方看到「Dino Lite」的画像。

DinoCapture工具列按键说明◆拍照。拍摄单张照片。◆拍攝影片。拍摄动态影片。 ◆拍攝定格影片。可预定时间拍摄影片及多久拍摄一张。◆儲存。DinoCapture拍照后将照片存在暂存区,等待使用者将图片存档。◆傳送電子郵件。DinoCapture将利用JPG或AVI格式传送照片或影片。

产品规格:◆动作环境:Windows 2000/XP◆Interface:USB1.1 ( 2.0 ) ◆sensor: 1/4 CMOS◆解析度:VGA(640x480) ◆倍率:10x ~ 200x◆Light:内建LED Light◆frame rate:30fps ◆使用可能范囲:3.2cm ~ 10cm◆曝光补正:自动曝光/自动补正/自动Color balance彩度对比补正 ◆Size:90g◆软件带测量功能:可测量直线、连续线、半径圆、直径圆、三点圆、角度;可在拍摄图片之上任意颜色进行标注、进行绘图;测量单位可选择mm、um、mil(0.001inch)等等。(AM313有此功能)

应用实例:◆皮肤毛发之检测花钱买了许多的保养品, 皮肤到底有没有改善呢?? 「Dino Lite」帮您完整的呈现皮肤状况! 哪里需要多注意,哪里已达到效果都可以一目了然,不再让您花冤枉钱!! 平常于手上倒了洗发乳即涂到头上用力洗的结果、実际确没有乾净。小心谨慎的care后、发根的level正好可以确认。◆精密工业之检测有了「Dino Lite」再精密微小的物件也逃不过您的法眼, 利用「Dino Lite」正确的了解产品不良因素, 解决烦人的问题, 并可以拍照传送图片给客户, 提供专业的服务!!◆Messanger 之应用正因为USB才有办法办到的惊人技艺!「Dino Lite」亦是USB camera 、故可透过各类视频软件例如MSN Messenger, Skype, QQ等 On-line方式来让对方看到「Dino Lite」的画像。就算相距遥远、也可以看到现在最即时的状况画面。

AM310、AM311、AM313、AM313T5、AM413T、AM413FVT(接驳PC);AM312、AM412(接驳TV )更多资料请访问专页:http://www.dzx-trading.com/dino.asp

特别提醒:  该产品为台湾ANMO科技公司台湾生产,本公司为大陆总经销,现有许多国内商家销售仿制品,敬请广大客户分清真假!


  您还在使用一般的放大镜观察细微的物件吗?? 简单说明:可适应于工业用印刷电路板,精密机械,皮肤检测,发根检测,工业检测,宝石鉴定, 印刷检视, 纺织检视等,可以拍照,可以移动,自带光源,放大倍数可调,特别适合于工业场合大工件比如大型模具,线路板,管路,布匹经纬等缺陷观察 !!21世纪新一代的产品---“Dino-Lite 手持式数码显微镜"给您的体验,最方便的使用,最轻松的了解您所要检测的物件喔!!Dinolite是现今世界上款也是的ㄧ款不需更换镜头的手持式数码显微放大镜, 运用旋转变焦的原理进行倍数放大, 此设计也已申请世界专利,并通过CE、FC等国际认证!!Dino-Lite手持式数码显微镜有许许多多的应用范围, 例如:1. 皮肤检视2. 发根检视3. 工业检视,例如印刷电路板、精密机械等4. 扩视器,协助视障人士阅读5. 印刷检视6. 纺织检视7. 生物观察8. 宝石鉴定等特点:◆不需要交换lens 通过焦距调整即可做10倍~200倍变更!◆4个内建的LED、就算镜头与被照摄物体很近也会非常光亮清楚◆利用USB和电脑连接,容易操作,可轻松地进行拍摄照片, 动态录影, 定时录影等功能◆亦是USB camera 、故可透过各类视频软件例如MSN Messenger, Skype, QQ等 On-line方式来让对方看到「Dino Lite」的画像。DinoCapture工具列按键说明◆拍照。拍摄单张照片。◆拍攝影片。拍摄动态影片。 ◆拍攝定格影片。可预定时间拍摄影片及多久拍摄一张。◆儲存。DinoCapture拍照后将照片存在暂存区,等待使用者将图片存档。◆傳送電子郵件。DinoCapture将利用JPG或AVI格式传送照片或影片。产品规格:◆动作环境:Windows 2000/XP◆Interface:USB1.1 ( 2.0 ) ◆sensor: 1/4 CMOS◆解析度:VGA(640x480) ◆倍率:10x ~ 200x◆Light:内建LED Light◆frame rate:30fps ◆使用可能范囲:3.2cm ~ 10cm◆曝光・补正:自动曝光/自动补正/自动Color balance・彩度・对比补正 ◆Size:90g应用实例:◆皮肤毛发之检测花钱买了许多的保养品, 皮肤到底有没有改善呢?? 「Dino Lite」帮您完整的呈现皮肤状况! 哪里需要多注意,哪里已达到效果都可以一目了然,不再让您花冤枉钱!! 平常于手上倒了洗发乳即涂到头上用力洗的结果、実际确没有乾净。小心谨慎的care后、发根的level正好可以确认。◆精密工业之检测有了「Dino Lite」再精密微小的物件也逃不过您的法眼, 利用「Dino Lite」正确的了解产品不良因素, 解决烦人的问题, 并可以拍照传送图片给客户, 提供专业的服务!!◆Messanger 之应用正因为USB才有办法办到的惊人技艺!「Dino Lite」亦是USB camera 、故可透过各类视频软件例如MSN Messenger, Skype, QQ等 On-line方式来让对方看到「Dino Lite」的画像。就算相距遥远、也可以看到现在最即时的状况画面。更多资料请访问专页:http://www.dzx-trading.com/dino.aspAn amazing, easy to use handheld digital microscope with USB output interface. High resolution magnification at your fingertips! Detailed examination of any area you choose.Ideal for a wide variety of practical applications in the classroom, workplace and even the home. Can be used for science and engineering work and study, dermatology (skin/scalp) exam, detailed repair, assembly and quality control (ie. electronics, mechanical, etc), hobbies & collecting (coin, stamp, watch, jewelry, etc.), law enforcement (counterfeit ID, crime lab, etc) , entertainment or simply as a reading aid. Just use your imagination! Included with each Dino-Lite digital microscope is a copy of the "DinoCapture" software, enabling you to "capture" either a photograph, video or time-lapsed video with a simple click.Product Features:• Resolution: 640* 480pixels (VGA) • Adjustable magnification: 10x~50x, 200x(Continuous magnification without switch lenses) • Built-in white-light LED illumination• Frame rate: up to 30fps• Interface: USB (PC)• Dimension:10cm (Height) *3.2CM (R)• Weight: 90g• With DinoCapture Software• Enabling you to capture picture,video and time-lapsed video in a clickApplication• Dermatology Exam (Skin/Scapl Check)• Industrial inspection (electronics, printing, textile....etc)• Detailed repair, assembly and quality control (electronics, mechanical... etc.)• Various kind of inspections, (e.g. Printing circuit board(PCB) inspection, printing, textile,...etc)• Science learning• Hobbies & collecting (coin, stamp, watch, jewelry, etc) • Law enforcement (counterfeit ID, crime lab, etc) • Reading Aid• More and more.....Dino-Lite USBProduct Specifications:• Resolution : 640 x 480 Pixel (VGA)• Frame Rate : up to 30 fps• Adjustable magnification : 10x - 200x • Built-in 4 white LED lighting• Sofware : DinoCapture• Interface : USB (PC)• Dimension : 10.5cm (H) x 3.2cm (R)• Certification : FC, CEPackage Contents :• Dino-Lite Digital Microscope (with USB Cable 1,8m)• Stand • CD with DinoCapture Software and DriversSystem Requirement :• Windows 98SE, ME, 2000, XP• CPU Pentium 1.5G, Celeron, AMD Athlon or above • RAM of 128MB or more recommended• At least 150MB of free disk space• VGA Card : 16bit or above• CD-ROM drive• At least one USB 1.1 or 2.0 portDino-Lite USB PlusProduct Specifications:• Resolution : 640 x 480 Pixel (VGA)• Frame Rate : up to 30 fps• Adjustable magnification : 10x~50x, 200x • Built-in 8 white LED lighting• Sofware : DinoCapture (with measurement function)• Interface : USB (PC)• Dimension : 10.5cm (H) x 3.2cm (R)• Certification : FC, CEPackage Contents :• Dino-Lite Digital Microscope (with USB Cable 1,8m)• Stand • CD with DinoCapture Software and DriversSystem Requirement :• Windows 98SE, ME, 2000, XP• CPU Pentium 1.5G, Celeron, AMD Athlon or above • RAM of 128MB or more recommended• At least 150MB of free disk space• VGA Card : 16bit or above• CD-ROM drive• At least one USB 1.1 or 2.0 portDino-Lite Digital Microscope (TV-NTSC) AM312NAn easy-used, compact size handheld digital microscope with TV output interface. No more complicated instllation is needed, just connect to TV directly. Easy to operate. Observe the area where-ever you go.Application• Dermatology Exam (Skin/Scapl Check)• Industrial inspection (electronics, printing, textile....etc)• Detailed repair, assembly and quality control (electronics, mechanical... etc.)• Various kind of inspections, (e.g. Printing circuit board(PCB) inspection, printing, textile,...etc)• Science learning• Hobbies & collecting (coin, stamp, watch, jewelry, etc) • Law enforcement (counterfeit ID, crime lab, etc) • Reading Aid• More and more.....Product Features:• Resolution: 640* 480pixels (VGA) • Adjustable magnification: 10x~50x.200x(Continuous magnification without switch lenses) • Built-in white-light LED illumination• Interface: NTSC(TV) • Dimension: 10cm (Height) *3.2CM (R) • Weight: 90g DinoLite Digital Microscope (TV-PAL) AM312PAn easy-used, compact size handheld digital microscope with TV output interface. No more complicated instllation is needed, just connect to TV directly. Easy to operate. Observe the area where-ever you go.Application• Dermatology Exam (Skin/Scapl Check)• Industrial inspection (electronics, printing, textile....etc)• Detailed repair, assembly and quality control (electronics, mechanical... etc.)• Various kind of inspections, (e.g. Printing circuit board(PCB) inspection, printing, textile,...etc)• Science learning• Hobbies & collecting (coin, stamp, watch, jewelry, etc) • Law enforcement (counterfeit ID, crime lab, etc) • Reading Aid• More and more.....Product Features:• Resolution: 640* 480pixels (VGA) • Adjustable magnification: 10x~50x.200x(Continuous magnification without switch lenses) • Built-in white-light LED illumination• Interface: PAL(TV) • Dimension: 10cm (Height) *3.2CM (R) • Weight: 90g DinoLite Digital Microscope with UV (TV-NTSC) AM312N-UVAn easy-used, compact size handheld digital microscope with TV output interface. No more complicated instllation is needed, just connect to TV directly. Easy to operate. Observe the area where-ever you go. Application• Dermatology Exam (Skin/Scapl Check)• Industrial inspection (electronics, printing, textile....etc)• Detailed repair, assembly and quality control (electronics, mechanical... etc.)• Various kind of inspections, (e.g. Printing circuit board(PCB) inspection, printing, textile,...etc)• Science learning• Hobbies & collecting (coin, stamp, watch, jewelry, etc) • Law enforcement (counterfeit ID, crime lab, etc) • Reading Aid• More and more.....Product Features:• Resolution: 640* 480pixels (VGA) • Adjustable magnification: 10x~50x.200x(Continuous magnification without switch lenses) • Built-in UV-light LED illumination• Interface: NTSC(TV) • Dimension: 10cm (Height) *3.2CM (R) • Weight: 90g DinoLite Digital Microscope with UV (TV-PAL) AM312P-UVAn easy-used, compact size handheld digital microscope with TV output interface. No more complicated instllation is needed, just connect to TV directly. Easy to operate. Observe the area where-ever you go. Product Features:• Resolution: 640* 480pixels (VGA) • Adjustable magnification: 10x~50x.200x(Continuous magnification without switch lenses) • Built-in UV LED illumination• Interface: PAL (TV) • Dimension: 10cm (Height) *3.2CM (R) • Weight: 90g


  您还在使用一般的放大镜观察细微的物件吗?? 简单说明:可适应于工业用印刷电路板,精密机械,皮肤检测,发根检测,工业检测,宝石鉴定, 印刷检视, 纺织检视等,可以拍照,可以移动,自带光源,放大倍数可调,特别适合于工业场合大工件比如大型模具,线路板,管路,布匹经纬等缺陷观察 !!21世纪新一代的产品---“Dino-Lite 手持式数码显微镜"给您的体验,最方便的使用,最轻松的了解您所要检测的物件喔!!Dinolite是现今世界上款也是的ㄧ款不需更换镜头的手持式数码显微放大镜, 运用旋转变焦的原理进行倍数放大, 此设计也已申请世界专利,并通过CE、FC等国际认证!!Dino-Lite手持式数码显微镜有许许多多的应用范围, 例如:1. 皮肤检视2. 发根检视3. 工业检视,例如印刷电路板、精密机械等4. 扩视器,协助视障人士阅读5. 印刷检视6. 纺织检视7. 生物观察8. 宝石鉴定等特点:◆不需要交换lens 通过焦距调整即可做10倍~200倍变更!◆4个内建的LED、就算镜头与被照摄物体很近也会非常光亮清楚◆利用USB和电脑连接,容易操作,可轻松地进行拍摄照片, 动态录影, 定时录影等功能◆亦是USB camera 、故可透过各类视频软件例如MSN Messenger, Skype, QQ等 On-line方式来让对方看到「Dino Lite」的画像。DinoCapture工具列按键说明◆拍照。拍摄单张照片。◆拍攝影片。拍摄动态影片。 ◆拍攝定格影片。可预定时间拍摄影片及多久拍摄一张。◆儲存。DinoCapture拍照后将照片存在暂存区,等待使用者将图片存档。◆傳送電子郵件。DinoCapture将利用JPG或AVI格式传送照片或影片。产品规格:◆动作环境:Windows 2000/XP◆Interface:USB1.1 2.0 ) ◆sensor: 1/4 CMOS◆解析度:VGA640x480 ◆倍率:10x ~ 200x◆Light:内建LED Light◆frame rate:30fps ◆使用可能范囲:3.2cm ~ 10cm◆曝光・补正:自动曝光/自动补正/自动Color balance・彩度・对比补正 ◆Size:90g应用实例:◆皮肤毛发之检测花钱买了许多的保养品, 皮肤到底有没有改善呢?? 「Dino Lite」帮您完整的呈现皮肤状况! 哪里需要多注意,哪里已达到效果都可以一目了然,不再让您花冤枉钱!! 平常于手上倒了洗发乳即涂到头上用力洗的结果、実际确没有乾净。小心谨慎的care后、发根的level正好可以确认。◆精密工业之检测有了「Dino Lite」再精密微小的物件也逃不过您的法眼, 利用「Dino Lite」正确的了解产品不良因素, 解决烦人的问题, 并可以拍照传送图片给客户, 提供专业的服务!!◆Messanger 之应用正因为USB才有办法办到的惊人技艺!「Dino Lite」亦是USB camera 、故可透过各类视频软件例如MSN Messenger, Skype, QQ等 On-line方式来让对方看到「Dino Lite」的画像。就算相距遥远、也可以看到现在最即时的状况画面。更多资料请访问专页:http://www.dzx-trading.com/dino.aspAn amazing, easy to use handheld digital microscope with USB output interface. High resolution magnification at your fingertips! Detailed examination of any area you choose.Ideal for a wide variety of practical applications in the classroom, workplaceeven the home. Can be used for scienceengineering workstudy, dermatology skin/scalp exam, detailed repair, assemblyquality control ie. electronics, mechanical, etc, hobbies & collecting coin, stamp, watch, jewelry, etc., law enforcement counterfeit ID, crime lab, etc , entertainment or simply as a reading aid. Just use your imagination! Included with each Dino-Lite digital microscope is a copy of the "DinoCapture" software, enabling you to "capture" either a photograph, video or time-lapsed video with a simple click.Product Features:• Resolution: 640* 480pixels VGA • Adjustable magnification: 10x~50x, 200xContinuous magnification without switch lenses • Built-in white-light LED illumination• Frame rate: up to 30fps• Interface: USB PC• Dimension:10cm Height *3.2CM R• Weight: 90g• With DinoCapture Software• Enabling you to capture picture,videotime-lapsed video in a clickApplication• Dermatology Exam Skin/Scapl Check• Industrial inspection electronics, printing, textile....etc• Detailed repair, assemblyquality control electronics, mechanical... etc.• Various kind of inspections, e.g. Printing circuit boardPCB inspection, printing, textile,...etc• Science learning• Hobbies & collecting coin, stamp, watch, jewelry, etc • Law enforcement counterfeit ID, crime lab, etc • Reading Aid• Moremore.....Dino-Lite USBProduct Specifications:• Resolution : 640 x 480 Pixel VGA• Frame Rate : up to 30 fps• Adjustable magnification : 10x - 200x • Built-in 4 white LED lighting• Sofware : DinoCapture• Interface : USB PC• Dimension : 10.5cm H x 3.2cm R• Certification : FC, CEPackage Contents :• Dino-Lite Digital Microscope with USB Cable 1,8m• Stand • CD with DinoCapture SoftwareDriversSystem Requirement :• Windows 98SE, ME, 2000, XP• CPU Pentium 1.5G, Celeron, AMD Athlon or above • RAM of 128MB or more recommended• At least 150MB of free disk space• VGA Card : 16bit or above• CD-ROM drive• At least one USB 1.1 or 2.0 portDino-Lite USB PlusProduct Specifications:• Resolution : 640 x 480 Pixel VGA• Frame Rate : up to 30 fps• Adjustable magnification : 10x~50x, 200x • Built-in 8 white LED lighting• Sofware : DinoCapture with measurement function• Interface : USB PC• Dimension : 10.5cm H x 3.2cm R• Certification : FC, CEPackage Contents :• Dino-Lite Digital Microscope with USB Cable 1,8m• Stand • CD with DinoCapture SoftwareDriversSystem Requirement :• Windows 98SE, ME, 2000, XP• CPU Pentium 1.5G, Celeron, AMD Athlon or above • RAM of 128MB or more recommended• At least 150MB of free disk space• VGA Card : 16bit or above• CD-ROM drive• At least one USB 1.1 or 2.0 portDino-Lite Digital Microscope TV-NTSC AM312NAn easy-used, compact size handheld digital microscope with TV output interface. No more complicated instllation is needed, just connect to TV directly. Easy to operate. Observe the area where-ever you go.Application• Dermatology Exam Skin/Scapl Check• Industrial inspection electronics, printing, textile....etc• Detailed repair, assemblyquality control electronics, mechanical... etc.• Various kind of inspections, e.g. Printing circuit boardPCB inspection, printing, textile,...etc• Science learning• Hobbies & collecting coin, stamp, watch, jewelry, etc • Law enforcement counterfeit ID, crime lab, etc • Reading Aid• Moremore.....Product Features:• Resolution: 640* 480pixels VGA • Adjustable magnification: 10x~50x.200xContinuous magnification without switch lenses • Built-in white-light LED illumination• Interface: NTSCTV • Dimension: 10cm Height *3.2CM R • Weight: 90g DinoLite Digital Microscope TV-PAL AM312PAn easy-used, compact size handheld digital microscope with TV output interface. No more complicated instllation is needed, just connect to TV directly. Easy to operate. Observe the area where-ever you go.Application• Dermatology Exam Skin/Scapl Check• Industrial inspection electronics, printing, textile....etc• Detailed repair, assemblyquality control electronics, mechanical... etc.• Various kind of inspections, e.g. Printing circuit boardPCB inspection, printing, textile,...etc• Science learning• Hobbies & collecting coin, stamp, watch, jewelry, etc • Law enforcement counterfeit ID, crime lab, etc • Reading Aid• Moremore.....Product Features:• Resolution: 640* 480pixels VGA • Adjustable magnification: 10x~50x.200xContinuous magnification without switch lenses • Built-in white-light LED illumination• Interface: PALTV • Dimension: 10cm Height *3.2CM R • Weight: 90g DinoLite Digital Microscope with UV TV-NTSC AM312N-UVAn easy-used, compact size handheld digital microscope with TV output interface. No more complicated instllation is needed, just connect to TV directly. Easy to operate. Observe the area where-ever you go. Application• Dermatology Exam Skin/Scapl Check• Industrial inspection electronics, printing, textile....etc• Detailed repair, assemblyquality control electronics, mechanical... etc.• Various kind of inspections, e.g. Printing circuit boardPCB inspection, printing, textile,...etc• Science learning• Hobbies & collecting coin, stamp, watch, jewelry, etc • Law enforcement counterfeit ID, crime lab, etc • Reading Aid• Moremore.....Product Features:• Resolution: 640* 480pixels VGA • Adjustable magnification: 10x~50x.200xContinuous magnification without switch lenses • Built-in UV-light LED illumination• Interface: NTSCTV • Dimension: 10cm Height *3.2CM R • Weight: 90g DinoLite Digital Microscope with UV TV-PAL AM312P-UVAn easy-used, compact size handheld digital microscope with TV output interface. No more complicated instllation is needed, just connect to TV directly. Easy to operate. Observe the area where-ever you go. Product Features:• Resolution: 640* 480pixels VGA • Adjustable magnification: 10x~50x.200xContinuous magnification without switch lenses • Built-in UV LED illumination• Interface: PAL TV • Dimension: 10cm Height *3.2CM R • Weight: 90g

JC503-BJ手持式显微镜便携式现场显微镜 带偏光



2、物镜:消色差物镜 10X/0.25、金相物镜40X/0.65
4、调焦距离:25 mm
8、仪器重量:净重0.75kg    毛重0.9kg
















该公司产品分类: 测氡仪 氧气检测仪 氢气气体检测报警仪 气体检测报警仪 熏蒸气体检测仪 空气质量检测仪 垃圾场有毒有害气体测试仪 酒精测试仪 有毒气体检测仪 甲烷检测仪 可燃气体检测仪/探测仪 复合气体检测仪 显微镜 苯检测仪 挥发性有机气体测试仪 臭氧检测分析仪 甲醛检测分析仪 二氧化硫检测仪 检测仪 氨气检测仪


热门仪器: 液相色谱仪 气相色谱仪 原子荧光光谱仪 可见分光光度计 液质联用仪 压力试验机 酸度计(PH计) 离心机 高速离心机 冷冻离心机 生物显微镜 金相显微镜 标准物质 生物试剂